Repair Estimate Fee

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Repair Submission Fee

Part #: *Repair Submission fee

serviceWe accept only CREDIT CARD payments for repair submission fees, and you must register as a member to view the credit card payment option. If you check out as a guest and/or pay by Paypal, the order will be voided and you will need to replace the order if you wish to continue with your repair submission.

“Free Shipping” means that no shipping charges will be added to this submission fee payment. You will be charged for shipping your equipment back to you.

This product cannot be shipped outside the USA.

This Repair Submission Fee is for NON super-automatic machines (traditional machines). If you are sending us a Commercial Espresso Machine, then the submission fee is $180. In this case, please add two (2) $90 submission fees to your cart. If your machine is a Pro-Sumer Plumbed-In machine, please contact us to determine whether your submission fee is $90 or $180.

You must have a repair submission number to purchase this item, which must be entered in the comments section during checkout.

If you have not been issued an RA#, please email for a number before adding this item to your cart.

Please note:

  • We charge a flat $90 submission fee to receive home-use equipment. Paying this fee holds your place in our queue, and it is non-refundable once we receive your equipment.
  • If you send in a partially dismantled machine that we must reassemble prior to being able to properly test, diagnose, and estimate your repair, you may be charged additional labor according to the added time. This does not apply to our specific packaging recommendations (i.e. removing the water tank on an Elektra SemiAutomatica).
  • 1/2 of this submission fee will be applied toward your repair bill should you decide to have your unit repaired. If you decide not to have it repaired, the submission fee covers our labor up to that point.
  • We will not charge your card until we have your machine in our possession, so if you should change your mind before shipping your unit, rest assured that you will not be charged this submission fee.
Stefano's Espresso Care
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Repair Authorization Number:

You must email us for your RA number prior to sending equipement.